Saturday, September 12, 2009

Properties of the TRUE SELF

1. The Self is Pure consciousness itself (Chaitanya Swaroopa),
2. The Self is independent of all elements (Swatantra)
3. The Self is propertyless (Nirguna
4. The Self is Ever existing and Timeless - transcends Time (Kala Atita )
5. The Self is Spaceless - transcends Space (Sarvagatah

6. The Self manifests in all bodies (Sarvavyaapi)

7. The Self is SINGULAR (Advaitya)

8. The Self is ALL PERVADING and the ONLY TRUTH, the rest is transient and unreal


Drg Drishya Viveka - Discriminating between the Seer and the Seen

 The Experiencer is different from the experienced....
1.  I am different from whatever I experience. I “experience my body and mind”
2.  I, the experiencer, am free from the attributes of the experienced objects. It
belongs to the experienced objects and not the "experiencer" . 

(From 1 above) 
You are not the mind or the body as you experience them both (the body and the mind)

(From 2 above) 
The Experiencer is attributeless, pure.

The Creation Explained - Unmanifest to the Manifest

The Body analyzed - Three Levels of Abstraction - Shareera/Deha Treyam

Three States of Experiences .. AvasthaTrayam

Understanding the Body... PANCHA KOSHA

FIVE THANK YOUS - Pancha Maha Yagnas to cultivate appreciation for creation and Life

Pancha Mahayajnas


1. Thank the Lord: Devayajna- offering prayers to god

2. Thank Your Ancestors: Pitryajna- consists of offering libations to ancestors 

3. Thank the Scriptures that Gave you knowledge: Brahmayajna- consists of reading the scriptures

4. Thank the Creation: Bhutayajna- consists of offering food to animals/Plants

5. Thank Humanity : Manushyayajna - By helping other people