Saturday, September 12, 2009

Experiencing It yourself - Aparoksha Anubhuti

Experiencing It yourself!

001: May Lord the greatest Guru of all shower his grace upon us (that the writer and the reader of this are in sync and that no knowledge is lost) !

002-010: Only the (a) Pure in heart with the (b) FOUR FOLD Qualifications and who are (c) dutiful and (d) vested in GOD can experience super consciousness.

011-016: Asking the right questions will automatically lead to the answers. Who am I? God? World?

017-042: Q. Who am I? A. The ever existing consciousness.

043-048: Q. What is the World? A. Consciousness manifests as the Universe. Without consciousness there is no universe.
049-086: Q. What is super consciousness / God? Consciousness appears to be plural, but in essence is ONE.  

087-090: Ignorance of the truth disappears when you realize the truth behind the "Self" by constantly meditating upon it.

091-099: Knowledge will set you free from the karmic cycle.

100-124: FIFTEEN Steps for meditation as given below:
01. Yama(Sense Control) ,   
02. Niyama(Mind control), 
03. Renunciation of the illusory world, 
04. Silence of the mind ,
05. Transcend  Space , 
06. Transcend Time, 
07. Posture that reminds  you of the truth, 
08. Mulabandha (Restraining Root of all existence), 
09. Equipoise of the limbs (Introvertedness), 
10. Firmness in vision of knowledge that seen seer and sight are one,  
11. Pranayama- negation of World in Rechaka (OUT) and identifying with the truth as Puraka (IN), 
12 Pratyahara (Withdrawal),  
13. Dhyana (Concentration),  
14. Dharana (self Contemplation),  
15. Samadhi (Complete Absorbtion)

125-144: One should practice this with full conviction and develop the ability to be absorbed in the cosmic consciousness. With God's grace and practice, one shall definitely attain liberation.

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