Monday, September 7, 2009

What is Liberation A.K.A. Moksha?

Moksha is seen as Many things...

  • Moksha is Liberation from the cycle of Life and Death as defined by some.
  • Moksha is Union with the Infinite (Jeevatma paramatma Aikyam)
  • Moksha is the feeling of Oneness with the Universe (and With God)  - Singularity in the Universe 
  • Moksha is giving up on the Ups and Downs of Life
  • Moksha is giving up your Ego
  • Moksha is giving up of Sensory Pleasures (Knowing well that they are bound to get pain)
  • Moksha is the state that we get in Deep Sleep (Blissful) with our full control and will.
  • Moksha is the culmination of the need to know anything
  • Moksha is the Thoughtless State where the Witness Self has given up on the Worldly Experiences of Life.
  • Moksha is the end of All Sorrows and Pleasures only to find oneself still in the ocean of Pure Bliss.
  • Moksha is Identifying Oneself with the True Nature of the Self - The Ever Blissful , The Witness Self.

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