Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sadhanan Panchakam (Five Fold Metamorphosis)

This Preparatory course identifies the qualities that are essential to purify the self. It Identifies 40 characteristic features in 5 areas (metamorphosing  Personal, Social, Mental , Sense-Oriented  and Intellectual orientation):

A. On Transforming the self (Outward) - I (Personality) : Read the scriptures (A-1) With Full Concentration so as to Apply it in your life (A-2) and focus on god/self (A-3). Perform acts selflessly (A'-4), and stay away from what you believe as sinful activities (A'-5). Stay away from Worldly things knowing it to be transient (A''-6) and focus on the real self (A''-7) by remaining introverted. Don't find solace in the comforts of the world as they are not for long. Only the true knowledge of the self will bring  peace (A'''-8).

B. On Transforming the Self (Outward) - II (Social behavior): keep good company (B-1) and stay focused on the self (B-2), Develop the 6 fold qualities (B-3) and Focus on Selfless actions (B-4). Find a Spiritual guide (B'-5) and follow "his" teachings (B'-6) and focus on the Upanishadic teachings (B'-7)and The Self  - OM (B'-8)

C. Develop Inner transformation (Mind) : Reflect on the Scriptural teachings (C-1) and find refuge it for strength (C-2) . Rather than indulging in wasteful talks (C-3),  Focus on the  conclusions of the scriptures (C-4). Focus on "Me and My father are One" on the Self (C-5) , give up pride (C-6) by not focusing on the body (C-7) and do not argue with the wisdom of the scriptures (C-8)as it is the whole truth.

D. Develop Withdrawal Qualities (Senses): Hunger (Desire)  is a  disease (D-1) and one should see food only as a medicine to cure it (D-2) , not indulge in it (D-3) and be contended with what you have (D-4). Build Endurance (D'-5),  do not complain (D'-6), build indifference (D'-7) find equanimity in all situations (D'-8).

E. Focus on the Ultimate goal (Intellect): In Solitude (E-1), Find the Joy of the Self by meditation (E-2). Find the difference between the all pervading Real (E-3) and Non-Real world (E-4). Be free from the cycle of birth and death by vanquishing ignorance and hence transcending your deeds [Accumulated (E-5), Future (E-6) and Fructified (E-7)  - Sanchita, Agami and Prarabhdha karma] Stay in Samadhi or in a state where you are above all this - Self in union with the cosmic consciousness.

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